How to manage your bill in the summer

Customers use more electricity in the summer

  • Hotter temperatures mean air conditioners work harder to keep homes cool. The larger the gap between the outside and your desired in-home temperatures, the harder your AC needs to work.
  • School’s out! That means family members may spend more time at home during the day using appliances, electronics and lights.
  • Pool pumps and heaters can use a lot of energy when used frequently.
  • Major appliances like refrigerators, air conditioners and dehumidifiers can use substantial amounts of electricity if they don’t function well.

Take control of your electricity usage

Review your usage history

.See your energy usage (kWh) and compare your electricity bill with this time last year. If your monthly usage looks drastically higher, consider what has changed that may be driving up your usage. You can also set up high-usage alerts to notify you when you’ve used a certain amount of energy. 

Sign up for Budget Billing to even out your costs from month to month.

Ways to save

  • Turn up your thermostat –Talk with your family about setting it to 78 degrees when you are home, as high as possible to sleep comfortably at night, and off while you are away. Consider a smart thermostat to take out the guess work.
  • Close the shades – Keep rooms cooler by with the shades closed.
  • Clean or change your AC air filters – Clogged filters make your air handler work harder to push air. Your air quality will also improve.
  • Clear space around your air vents – Move any furniture that may be blocking vents so air can circulate more efficiently.
  • LED lighting – Upgrade any incandescent bulbs to LEDs. They don’t emit heat, which keeps your home cooler, and use 75% less energy.
  • Seal windows and doors – Hot air enters and cool air escapes through leaks in doors and windows. Consider weather stripping or caulking to close the leaks. Talk to a contractor if you need help.
  • Get an AC tuneup – Have a professional contractor tune up your AC unit to keep it performing at its best.
  • Unplug unused electronics – Electronics and small appliances that are off but plugged in are still using power. Unplug things you don’t use frequently and consider using smart power strips to manage your entertainment center and gaming devices.
  • Use your oven less – Your oven can make your whole home hotter, causing your AC to work overtime. Slow cookers, microwaves, pressure cookers and toaster ovens create less heat.
  • Use cold water – Take colder showers, wash clothes in cold water and lower your water heater’s thermostat to 120° Fahrenheit.
savings tips infographic

Get help paying your heating bills with energy assistance options

We know higher energy use in winter can impact your family or business. If you’re struggling financially, there are resources to help pay your heating costs.

Learn more about energy assistance options in your area.

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